1 min read

Coming Soon! Win32

Coming soon - Win32 development series!

It does seem strange to still use the designator of "Win32" given that a significant number of the PC using population hasn't used a 32-bit PC in a long time. Nonetheless, the moniker  has stuck and I reckon it will remain firmly in place for a very long time.

There are still many applications built on the bedrock of Win32. Several years back, I became fascinated with learning Windows programming at a deeper level.

Fortunately, at the time I had access to university-supplied licenses for Visual Studio Professional. At the time developing applications for the desktop using MFC required that edition. Of course, the Community edition now available has all but eliminated the cost barrier for the hobbyist explorer (like myself at the time).

All that is to say, in the coming weeks/months, I would like to share some lessons on programming Win32. I intend to produce these as a video tutorial series as well. I've never done that before, so I intend on posting the material here as well.