1 min read

Interesting Tech: Tailwind CSS

I was recently watching a course from VueMastery (https://www.vuemastery.com) about building a Trello clone using Vue. During the introductory stages, they mentioned they were using Tailwind CSS to make it simple - basically just to get the classes. Checking out the project's page it is described as "A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs". The more expanded description is a "highly customizable, low-level framework that gives you all the building blocks".

Looking at the commit history, it's clear I missed the boat on this one - the first commit was in 2017. However, it's not the first time that I could say that! Time to make up for lost time and check this out. Interestingly enough, Tailwind doesn't include components such as form or button (btn). I am curious to see how that plays out. According to the docs the developer should extract a set of components as the design emerges or progresses. It's certainly a different philosophy from frameworks that I am familiar with (Bootstrap, Material, etc).

Homepage for Tailwind: https://tailwindcss.com/